AB Key Lock

ABKey Lock

ABkey lock, it has two keys a. B. It is a kind of lock made by the key to "pit" and is composed of marbles and other structures (the depth of the pit is different, and the reason for the difference between the tooth depth of the flat key is the same). There are also "click lock" and "computer lock" and "partial lock" and "Baili lock. The function of the and B keys is that when people install the lock, the owner can give the key to the house decoration personnel for them to unlock the door of the house, so the key is also called the "decoration key". When the decoration is completed, the owner does not need the decoration personnel to enter the room. After the owner inserts the key B into the lock hole and turns the lock cylinder for a turn (circle), the key A loses the function of unlocking, so the key B is also called "the owner's key". A.B. the advantage of the key lock is that it can meet the needs of people to decorate their houses, avoid losing the key to open the door when the decoration is busy, or people with bad intention take the machine to copy the key to open the door when the decoration is busy. it may avoid the unsafe factors to the owner after the decoration, and also avoid the trouble and cost caused by changing the lock for safety after the decoration, so it is welcomed by people.

1. AB and the working principle of the lock

1. In order to make it easy for people to distinguish, 6 B keys are packaged in a transparent hard shell and 2 A keys are hung outside. Some A and B keys have different colors. Two A keys are yellow and six B keys are white. 6 There is an instruction manual on the back of the B key. The owner should read it clearly before use, recognize the use methods of the two keys, do not confuse them, and avoid improper use of the two keys.

2. If AB two keys are compared and carefully observed, experienced people will find that one of the seven pits above the key is different (the average person does not pay much attention to it and thinks that there is no difference between the two keys). The pit at a certain position on key A is the deepest, and the pit at this position on key B is the shallowest (even flat, no pit), which is generally the position of the 7th or 1st marble. Speaking of which, I think the professionals must have some ideas in their hearts, so I remind the owner that the key must be taken back and properly preserved or destroyed.

3. The marbles in the marbles corresponding to pits with different depths of keys A and B have a special structure, and a & phi is installed between the upper and lower marbles. 1mm steel ball. When the key is used, the height of the lower pin in the marble room and the height of the small steel ball are just flush with the lock cylinder, so the key can be used to turn the lock cylinder to unlock; when the B key is used, the small steel ball can be pushed out of the lock cylinder, that is to say, the lower bead and the lock cylinder are flush at this time, so the B key can still turn the lock cylinder to unlock (this principle is the same as the mother and child key system), however, when the lock cylinder rotates at a certain angle, the small steel ball will fall into the blind hole cleverly designed in advance on the lock cylinder under the action of the spring (this is different from the key system of the mother and child). Some people call this small blind hole a trap, which is very appropriate. The diameter of this blind hole is larger than the small steel ball, but smaller than the diameter of the marble, otherwise the marble will fall and the lock core will be stuck and cannot be unlocked. Once the small steel ball falls into the blind hole, it can only rotate with the lock cylinder, and will not run out of the blind hole, which will not affect the use of the B key. However, because there is no small steel ball when using the key, the lower pin in the pinball chamber cannot be flush with the lock cylinder (different from the height of the small steel ball), and the lock cylinder cannot be turned to unlock.

2. unlock

1. The lock cylinder is designed to be unlocked inside and outside the door, so the middle part of the inner and outer lock cylinders is equipped with a clutch device. When one side of the lock cylinder is inserted into the key, the front end of the key will push the plug-in device on this side into the middle cam. In the engagement groove in the middle cam (the engagement groove in the cam is a cross groove, so there are two positions that can allow the plug-in device to enter the groove), at the same time, the plug-in device in the slot on the other side can be pushed out of the slot (otherwise, because the lock cylinder on the inner side cannot rotate, the external lock cylinder cannot rotate to drive the cam to unlock). When the lock cylinder is turned, the plug-in device drives the cam to turn the lock bolt to unlock.

2, A, and B keys inserted into the lock cylinder. One is to use the root of the key (commonly known as "two shoulders") to locate; the other is to use the front end of the key to locate. The function of positioning is that when the key is inserted, it can not only make each lower bead fall in a suitable pit, but also enable the front end of the key to engage the plug-in device and the cam to drive the cam to rotate. Looking at the following faults, we can know the advantages and disadvantages of the two positioning.

3. The A and B key locks produced by regular manufacturers are of good quality. Each bead has anti-dial I-shaped beads (there are also less than 7 I-shaped beads). In addition, the keyhole is narrow. It is difficult for beginners to use the prying-dial unlocking method. However, for experienced people, the general lock can be opened by prying-dial method, but the time taken is long or short.

4. Unlocking tool: You can use a tool (hook) with a peak tip at the front end and a tool (hook) with a peak tip slightly bent to the side. When you pull the lock cylinder, you can reach into the peak tip tool flat. The peak tip is aligned with the lower bead. Turn the tool to pry the strenuous lower bead, and you can unlock it by breaking each one. Because there are I-shaped anti-picking beads on the beads, it is necessary to have the experience of prying and pulling anti-picking beads before unlocking. Because the lock beads are more and the keyhole is narrow, which hinders the use of tools, practice more and you will be able to unlock. The difference between the lower beads of this lock is not big (the thickness of the key is limited, and the depth of the pit will not exceed the thickness of the key), so generally speaking, this lock is better to open. There are also multi-tooth tools bent at right angles with a peak tip on one side for sale to brush and unlock, with limited success rate. In the practice of unlocking, tools will be used to pry and unlock the lock cylinder, which will definitely unlock the lock cylinder. Therefore, it is necessary to use a hook or steel wire to insert the lock cylinder hole while rotating the lock cylinder, so that the plug device can reliably enter the engagement groove of the cam to drive the cam to rotate and unlock.

5. Sometimes the keyhole will be artificially put into glue and other things. If there is a key, you can unlock it by heating, and try to open it with the key while heating. If there is no "anti-lock", the lock can sometimes be unlocked by the insert. If there is a fault in the lock, you can use a drilling method to break the lock cylinder strongly and unlock it with a tool.

6. Because the lock can be unlocked inside and outside the door, some people may be afraid of forgetting to bring the key when they go out, or they often insert the key into the keyhole in the door as a temporary key. Once you forget to pull out the key in the lock to bring the door to close the lock or the door is locked by the wind, the temporarily stored key is often a string, and the key in the keyhole is vibrated by the door. Under the action of the gravity of the keychain, the lock cylinder will be rotated by a small angle. This is because the key outside the door cannot be inserted in place to make the lock cylinder rotate (because the key inside the door will not move outward by the jacking force after rotating at a small angle, and push the plug-in device on the outside of the door into the engagement groove to drive the cam to rotate and unlock). At this time, a tool can be used to unlock the lock while rotating the lock cylinder (turning 90 degrees), while using a hook or steel wire to force the insertion device into the lock hole to enter another engagement groove, and drive the cam to rotate to unlock. There is also a short file of the original key or a copy of the front end of the key to open the lock, so that the key can be inserted to make the lock cylinder rotate, and the working side of the key is removed by half, so that the hook or steel wire can be inserted from one side. The plug-in device in the middle of the lock cylinder enters another engagement groove to drive the cam to rotate and unlock. The lock can also be unlocked by inserting a piece. Of course, you can also open the door by destroying the lock.

7. Sometimes, when it is in place, the lock cylinder can be turned, but the lock cannot be unlocked. This may be because the front end of the key is short and the plug-in device cannot be pushed into the engagement groove of the cam, so the lock cylinder cannot drive the cam to rotate and unlock. This situation often occurs when the key is positioned at the root of the key. The processing method can file the root of the key slightly, and try to make the key enter a little more, so that the key can push the plug-in device into the cam groove and drive the cam to rotate and unlock. The lock can also be unlocked by the method mentioned in Article 6.
8. Unlock with key A. After turning the lock cylinder with key B, key A has failed, but we have already mentioned the difference between keys A and B, only one "pit" is different. You can use key A to copy key B to unlock. A simpler method is to directly fill the "pit" of key A, or directly stick the small steel ball in the lock cylinder to the "pit" of key A with 502 glue to unlock.

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